“You were not there when I needed you. I nearly lost it.”
I presume he is referring to the “crisis” that Hadley referred to and which is somehow connected with the Games Addiction Centre in Culver City.
“Alan helped me too,” he said. “He put me on a better track.”
“So what can I do?’, I said.
“Come and see me, share the things that matter to me.”
“What matters most to you?”
“You should know. Alan has told you, I have told you. I told you after we rode the Divide. One day machines will become more intelligent than us.”
“…it’s the only way to save the human race, but it also a huge thing, full of danger and risk.”
“I want you you to learn about it. You have the time. It’s the most important challenge facing our species and planet. Then write about it in ways that will make people realise how serous it is.”
He gave me some books.
“You may find them difficult, but they will tell you what you need to know.”
“So, just this. This is all you want me to do.”
“Yes, just this. For now.